Govt. Polytechnic Arwal has a list of Faculty in different Stream as given

SL# Name of Faculty Members Designation Branch / Subject Email-id Mobile No.
Regular Faculty
1 Dr Anand Krishna Principal Textile Engg. [email protected] 9431887487
2 Rajesh Kumar Lecturer Electrical Engg. [email protected] 8294596682
Guest Faculty
3 Adarsh Sinha Guest Lecturer Civil Engineering [email protected] 9801880812
4 Shalini Priya Guest Lecturer Civil Engineering [email protected] 9155606181
5 Rajnish Ranjan Guest Lecturer Civil Engineering [email protected] 9874232569
6 Raja Azad Kumar Mshra Guest Lecturer Electrical Engineering [email protected] 9234320895
7 Satyajeet Anand Guest Lecturer Electrical Engg. [email protected] 9693805377
8 Ram Raja Guest Lecturer Mechanical Engg. [email protected] 9546968744
9 Alok Anand Guest Lecturer Mechanical Engg. [email protected] 7903170646
10 Anirudh Kumar Paswan Guest Lecturer Computer Science & Engg. [email protected] 6204197514
11 Md Wasim Akram Guest Lecturer Humanities [email protected] 9798887298
12 Shweta Kumari Guest Lecturer Mathematics [email protected] 7488256826
13 Niti Singh Guest Lecturer Chemistry [email protected] 6202087970
14 Anjanee Prasad Ghosh Guest Lecturer Physics [email protected]  9955975366